Expert Beauty Tips
We often find that there is some confusion about how to choose the right concealer shade for your skin tone. You may have read conflicting advice about selecting a shade lighter or darker than yourskin tone or your current foundation, whether your undertone is pink or yellow, plus the variety oftextures and products available can make the decision much more complex than it needs to be.
In reality it is straightforward to choose a concealer shade for your skin tone, but the most important tip we can give you is that one generic concealer may not do the job of concealing undereyes, blemishes, redness and so on. You need to choose the right tool for the job.
- First, we recommend looking in a mirror large enough to see your whole face, in daylight, without makeup on (when did you last do that?!), and consciously decide what you are trying to conceal.
- Then, choose a colour correction tone that will be effective on this area. Facial redness will require a yellow-toned concealer whereas dark undereye shadows will need a warm peachy shade to counteract the purple or blue tones in this area. This is explained in our video on colour theory if you’d like to understand this further.
- Finally, choose the right concealer product (for example a waxy stick, a creamy liquid, or a highlighting formulation). If you need advice about the type of texture to choose read our blog about choosing the right type of concealer for you.
Once you have chosen the right product for you, only then should you choose the appropriate shade for your skin tone!
Here’s our guide to choosing the right shade of ReCover Correct & Conceal Red. One of the most important things to consider is the season, as even the most dedicated SPF user may find that their skin tone is lighter during the Winter months. You may need to change your makeup products by one, two or even three shades if you pick up some extra Vitamin D during the Summer. If you are choosing Very Light shades in Winter, you may find that you need to move to Light or even Fair shades in the Summer.
- Choose Shade 0 Very Light if your skin is porcelain or alabaster in tone and has a translucent quality to it. You have very little yellow tone to your skin, burn easily, never tan, and have difficulty finding foundation and concealer to match your skin tone.Your facial redness is generally pink in colour.
- Choose Shade 1 Light if your skin is light in tone and you generally burn easily and don't tan. You may have a slight yellow tone to your skin and your facial redness is generally pink in colour.
- Choose Shade 2 Fair if your skin is fair in tone and you can burn easily but sometimes tan. Your facial redness is generally dark pink in colour.
- Choose Shade 3 Beige if your skin is medium in tone, you generally tan easily but burn occasionally. Your facial redness is generally dark pink or red in colour.
- Choose Shade 4 Mid Tan if your skin is olive in tone, you rarely burn and tan easily. Your facial redness is generally red in colour.
- Choose Shade 5 Deep Tan if your skin is deeper olive in tone, you rarely burn and tan easily. Your facial redness is generally dark red in colour.
Helpful hints…
As ReCover Correct & Conceal Red uses yellow-based pigments to neutralise redness, you don’t need to match your skin colour exactly. Our range of 6 shades has been developed to cover the majority of skin tones where facial redness usually manifests. ReCover Correct & Conceal Red is also a great option if you have yellow undertones to your skin, as some of our Asian customers have told us.
17 January 2017
5 December 2016
14 September 2016
19 July 2016
10 May 2016